Family Law

Family Law

What is family law?

Family law in Australia is mainly governed by the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) which deals with all aspects of family matters and domestic relations. Family law covers issues such as the termination of marriages or de-facto relationships through separation and/or divorce, property disputes, child custody, paternity testing and even child abuse, abduction and domestic violence.

How we can assist?

Separation and divorce can be a very stressful and emotional time for your family. At Ton Legal, we have solicitors who can understand and listen to your issues and problems at all times. Unlike other law firms, we actively aim to have your matter resolved as cheaply and quickly as possible without the need for you to attend Court.

At Ton Legal, our solicitors can provide assistance for a range of different matters in relation to marriage and de facto relationships, including:

  • Applications for Divorce
  • Property Settlements
  • Parental Disputes
  • Urgent and interim applications
  • Seeking Domestic and Family Violence and apprehended violence orders (AVOs)
  • Family Mediation
  • De Facto Relationships
  • Representation in Court Mediations and Settlement Conferences
  • Child Support and Spousal Maintenance
  • Drafting parenting plans for child custody and visitation
  • Negotiations with the other party/and or their solicitors